About Me

First Moments Pictorial

My first few months have been pretty great. Albeit, at times completely terrifying, but great. I've put together a series of pictures that sums it up...

Month One:

Week One - look closely! I'm hiding...

I call this one: Sleepy Smile Progression

Sunbathing - the responsible way!

QT with Auntie Tami

Boating - it's in my blood. 

What's a "fire truck"?
Mmmm...so this daddy guy can feed me too? Mind. Blown.
Month Two:


My right side is my best side..

Bathing beauties!

I like to spread out when I nap.

Loving this guy!

My corner nook at mama's gym.

Hanging at Grandma Marsha & Grandpa John's!

Watching mama's stories with her...
 Month Three:

Meeting Great Grandma Field

Snoozing like Grandpa John
Welcome to the GUN SHOW!

Tummy time is fun! (For like 15 seconds..)
Met Sophie. She's delish!

 Photo Shoot!

Hope you enjoyed the pics - more to come...soon, I PROMISE!